Our Mission

As small business owners, we advocate for policies that promote responsible economic development, environmental stewardship, and investment in community. We are the backbone of Maine’s economy, and we help provide a political voice for Maine’s small business community. We believe that good economic policy works both for small business owners and the customers they serve.

Create Opportunities for Small Businesses and Farmers

  • Posted on: 18 November 2011
  • By: admin

It’s time to turn around the years of government subsidies aimed at growing big factory farms, and re-invest in small agricultural businesses that are the key to creating jobs and building a stronger economy.

This week, Chellie Pingree introduced the Local Farms, Food and Jobs Act to create opportunities for farmers and small businesses focused on agriculture to support local, family farmers in a way that the U.S. Department of Agriculture has failed to do in the past.

Small Business Statement: Support Legislation to Stop Tax Haven Abuse

  • Posted on: 20 June 2011
  • By: admin

We, the undersigned business owners, executives and investors, call on the President and Congress to end tax dodging and support a level playing field for business by enacting strong legislation to stop tax haven abuses. Offshore tax havens reward tax evaders, rob public coffers of needed revenue and offload taxes to responsible businesses and households.
