Why MSBC supports raising the minimum wage
Good for our communities, good for small businesses
Small businesses are the backbone of the Maine economy and they succeed when our communities thrive. Raising the minimum wage puts money back in the pockets of the Mainers who are more likely to spend that in their communities, helping our local economies. Many small business in Maine already pay their employees more than the minimum wage, but for some businesses, raising the minimum wage also helps them compete with big box stores who pay low wages.
Small business owners are speaking out
A national poll of small business owners found that 60% support raising the minimum wage to $12 an hour. The Maine Small Business Coalition, which represents over 4,000 small businesses, has endorsed the citizens initiative. Small business owners from across the state are speaking out in support of raising the minimum wage.
I care about my employees and wish I could pay them more but I have to compete with big box stores that pay poverty wages. A minimum wage increase would make a level playing field for small business owners like me.
- Sierra Dietz, The Grass Hopper Shop, Rockland
I’m a small business owner AND a member of my community. I want all of my friends and neighbors to make a wage that can allow them to support their families and live their version of the American Dream.
- John Costin, Veneer Services Unlimited, Kennebunk